Sheep Incognito Returns to Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival 2022!!

Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival 2022 – IN PERSON AGAIN!!
We’re baaaaaahck!!
The Sheep Incognito flock of paintings is going to be back at the best fest east of the West – the fabulous Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival is back in session, in person this May, and we could not be more excited if we tried!
May 7 & 8, 2022
At the Howard County Fairgrounds
West Friendship, MD
Come find us on the Main Walkway, across from the building labeled “Dining Hall”
(Come through the Main Gate, walk all the way up the hill, look to your left – we have a big tent filled with Sheep Incognito Art to make ewe smile!
Don’t forget to nab your 2022 Calendar – only $12 this year!
Get a single sheep to make ewe smile, or adopt a whole flock with one of our maaaahvelous flock discounts – we are all itching to see ewe there!