So this is new:
Because counting sheep is good an all, but at times I do need a break from doing the same thing all the time…I’ve started painting people’s pets – and they’ve been quite popular so far (so much so, that I tend to have a waiting list 5 deep).
Here is the new website, where you can see some samples, or even order your own custom portrait of your little hound, or lazy kitty (or, your iguana, alpaca, llama, bunny, goldfish, or pet tarantula).

All you need, are a few photos of your pet – I will do the rest…using your photos, I create that perfect setting of your pet(s), which I then use as a reference for the final digital painting. The finished piece is then produced on canvas, with added brushstrokes to add a sparkle to their eye and a bit of texture to the canvas.
What do you think? Any wise words of advice on how to make them better? And, what are your thoughts about the new website? Does it seem to work for you, or do I need to update things to make it easier to use?
I am definitely not a web designer, so this is the first time I’ve made a site without some geekish intervention…hopefully it isn’t a disaster.