Artist Blog by Sheep Incognito Artist Conni Togel

Daily Archives: September 14, 2013

A New Sheep Art Flock Member!

A New Sheep Art Flock Member

Here is a preview of my newest sheep art painting I just began this week – it is a work in progress, so the final painting will be different:

title: Dances with Wools
size: 24″ x 48″
media: Oils by Carlos Ruiz of V&S Artist’s Colours

I will post more pictures of the process as I go along


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A Beautiful Day

It’s a Beautiful Day

Today is the day.
It has been a long time coming – a time wrought with fear, anxiety, discussions, screaming fights, and meltdowns. But, nonetheless, today has come.

Today, we drive.

On The Interstate (yes, this needed to be capitalized).

My daughter has been dreading this event for quite a while – each day the necessity of learning to merge on and off the interstate has come up, there were long discussions and hurt feelings ensuing.

A fear of doing things wrong – is that a teenager thing? A learned response from emotional abuse for much of her life? A self- inflicted horror idea now set firmly in her head?
Whatever the cause, whatever the story – TODAY WE DRIVE.

We have not discussed where we are going – she’s the driver, so we’ll go where she is going.
(Hopefully all the destinations will include firm ground under the wheels, and a big void in front of the car…)

When this is done, we will both have successfully ascended a Mount Everest for both of us. I think the view will be grand from up there….

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